Timeshare Resales by Owner

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Timeshare Selling Information For Owners
The TUG Timeshare marketplace is one of the most active and visited sites on the internet visited by both buyers and sellers with tens of millions of dollars in successful completed listings by owners themselves and every one of them commission free! Find a discounted Timeshare resale, or get your timeshare listed for sale today without paying large upfront fees! Be sure to check our How to Sell Guide for a detailed explanation of how the Timeshare Resale process works!

The Timeshare Users Group Marketplace has provided a safe and easy solution for Owners to Sell, Rent or Exchange their Timeshares themselves without being scammed and without paying large upfront fees. The Timeshare Marketplace has seen more than $73,462,756.00 in Sold and Rented Timeshares to date and remains since 1993 as a tried and true option for Selling, Renting or Exchanging a Timeshare!